This weekend we all went to a birthday party at a Put-put place....but you wouldn't know it from the pictures we came home with. Looks more like a wild safari! We started out with four put-put clubs and balls, which we quickly changed to just two. What were we thinking...there would be no grown up put-put...the kids needed major help. Matthew LOVED "whacking" the ball. And Ellie gave it a few tries too. After about two holes though, the clubs were completely abandoned and the wild safari began! This great put-put place had HUGE animal statues for the kids to sit on, and each "Daddy" animal had a "baby" with it. Not quite sure why both our kids thought all the animals were Mommies to be seen. Maybe the Mommies were at the spa. Ha! Anyway, while there was little put-putting at the put-put place, the kids had a ball!!!!!!
The best thing I have to describe "about me" is from the back of my book cover. I am a mother of two children. I spend my days as a full-time cook, nurse, teacher, accountant, organizer, schedule-manager, personal shopper, house cleaner, stylist, chauffeur, crisis management and conflict resolution specialist, life skills trainer, safety expert, entrepreneur, diaper technician, social planner, boo-boo kisser, pool cleaner and writer. Before my current full-time jobs, I worked as an elementary and ESL teacher. I live in Fort Worth, Texas with my husband and two children.
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