Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dinosaur World

With Ellie's love of rocks and fossils, and Matthew's love (obsession?) of dinosaurs, what better day trip could we take than one to Dinosaur World! It's about an hour away and boasted of 150 life sized and life like dinosaurs in a natural setting. So, off we went this morning, with Matthew roaring and Ellie making sure that these were just pretend dinosaurs. I have to say, it was pretty cool, even for adults. It was really neat to see the whole thing (not just bones), and to see them the size that they really were. Those nasty Velociraptors from Jurassic Park were actually pretty small, and weighed no more than Ellie or Matthew!

We began our dinosaur walk with this...Matthew couldn't get in there fast enough....and Ellie wouldn't go near it.

A few favorites....
This was the "roar" hands and face that we saw often along our walk :)

Wow. Big dinosaur. Look at tiny Matthew.

We did a fossil dig and each of them go to the bring home their three favorite. We have a few dinosaur(shark?) teeth now. This is what Ellie is proudly showing off.
Tired out from all the dinosaurs....